I would like to take this opportunity, nearly a month into this venture, to properly introduce myself. I have been a missus for four and a half years, but only in the last couple of years have I become the housewife that I am today.
As with many others, these economically trying times forced us to examine the cost of having two incomes and we decided that it would be most prudent for me to "stay home." It was a difficult transition at first, but I have had a great love for domesticity for many years and it also freed up more time to dedicate to my volunteer work. I also do my part to save money and add a little to our capital, which I hope to share with you all as well as little homey tips and recipes.
I have struggled with my weight for a long time and I am finally on Weight Watchers, so one may find that many of the recipes that I will post will have approximations of POINTS per serving that I myself have figured. In addition to this diet, I have been suffering with candida albicans
Blogging was not something that I have before considered, but I enjoy reading other blogs and a poet friend of mine showed me hers. I, too, enjoy writing. Monkey see, monkey do, I believe is the saying. What better way is there for a trivia-collecting young woman to share with the world what she has learned? As I am quite new, I will continue to tweak the site, and I hope that all of you will help me to make this a more pleasant place to be. Kind people, you are welcome to leave a comment or to send me a note.
Copyright November 2010
i adore this. i am excited to read your blog and i'm glad you started one. i can't wait to read your future posts!
ReplyDeleteMon aimee, you look well ^_^ I look forward to your recipes!
ReplyDeleteI've read in passing that a vegan diet can help with candida, it seems to work for me in general, but what foods do you need to strictly avoid? If I come across something that looks delicious I'll be sure to point it your direction!
Thank you, Bunneh! As I am able to incorporate a few more things into my diet now than when I was on the cleanse, I am mostly staying away from sugar. I try to share recipes that adhere fairly strictly to the looooooong list of edible and non-edibles, though. I have found, however, that many recipes can be adapted so long as they do not have sugar or yeast, fruits, or beets. It is a very organic, DIY intensive diet. In a couple of the recipes, I have linked and Titled at least one book that I have found helpful. I could go on, but that should give a taste for what I am doing here. Thank you for your offer!